2022 Collab: Week 9 “Antique" - CLOSED

Here’s my completed entry for this week:

I started learning Blender in January this year. I am very happy with myself for being able to create this :grin:
There were still 100 more things to do here but I didn’t want to miss the deadline!
I tried the basic texturing I learned using a wooden png file but it looked absolutely horrible. So I decided to just go with flat coloured materials. I still couldn’t figure out the wear and tear part. Maybe in the coming few weeks.


Hey @igorfv HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! bday


Thank you =)

You are quite welcome. :slight_smile:

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Not sure of a best way for wear and tear, but one way I am aware of is to take it into sculpt mode, play around with brush strength (ideally softer), and then kinda “beat it up” with brushes that make sense in spots that make sense (corners, for example).

Still learning myself, so I dunno if it’s an ideal approach, but it’s been a functional one.

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Gold is a funny metal. It doesn’t tarnish or really show much age if it’s cared for. Sometimes even just a good rub with a jeweller’s cloth is enough to bring it back to life. Some minor scratching, dents and some patina from the other metals used for screws, gears, etc. is about the most that will happen to gold depending on karat.

The things you learn working at a pawn shop for some time. :slight_smile:


Alright, I saw everyone’s feedback but unfortunately, I won’t have enough time to do all of them or I have no idea how to do some like the edge wear. Independently of my lack of knowledge, I was able to make it better thanks to all of the feedback.

Here is my final version, I hope you all like it:
(@FedPete please use this one)

Extra (@FedPete this is the wrong one, please use the one that is not old)


Very nice indeed!
Great sideboard, vase, clock, even dilapidated old wallpaper.

The only thing I can suggest is it the sideboard looks a little too new still. And the floor, and skirting board are also very new while the wallpaper is virtually from a derelict building.

Camera very wide angle? Distorts the ‘straightness’. Longer lens zoomed into the same framimng?


Nice model. Good to see you take part.

People here will always advise and help, part of the point of the collab. So next week by all means post an early version and ask for advice on texturing or whatever. We have some very capable participants and they are also helpful to others to get better.


No, as Digits says Such things are generally not badly damaged. Kept in pockets or a draw, box etc. Takes a bunch of drunken rugby players to wreck a cup they won, and had to hand back for the next year’s match!

Still looks shiny though!


Thank you.
Yes Ive made series of decissions here that are not working together thats true. Ive made this wallpaper texture using low quality Jpg and it didnt look right if it was as new. So ive manipulated it (learned a llot) take attention away of bad texture. But when I made dresser and clock dull and faded wood wasnt looking as nice. So my story here is. The owner is looking after the house but never bother to change wallpaper :sweat_smile:.
Plus my water pump is leaking again so had to rush it and called it done for now.
Camera is 30mm as its in the room so the opposite wall was in the way. And if removed it lighting was different so Id have to experiment again. And thigs are leaking…
Need to fork out for new pump :angry:


If you want to make wear and tear on the metall object around the edges in sculpt mode, multiplane scrape brush is a good tool for that.


It just so happens that I was in the midst of figuring out just that for the next challenge! Thank you. :grin:


I like you pocket watch very much.
I get that it is well looked after and polished and not everything old has to be in dissrepair. But in the future if you wanted to play with edge wear have a play with geometry node from imput menu in shader editod. The socked you want is pointiness. Run it trough color ramp to set your values and mix it via rgb mix node with you diffused material as overlay. It makes deeper parts like cavities etc appear darker/grimmer. You can also use that input with roughness etc.
Edit: it only works in cycles so have to be in render view to see effects.


Yes, I tested it but for some reason my model was not really working =/

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I won’t be able to finish my entry, I messed up everything pretty badly and it’s not something easy to solve, it has to do with my rig, the pose of the model, and things that I should have considered right from the start :neutral_face: Version control cannot save me… :weary:


Its ok. We want to see it messed up :grin:


Always the optimist, I thought I’d have more done in time. I need to learn a bit more about rigging but this was a fun project!


Not done but feeling tired today so just going to just relax


Nice to know you don’t get old just antique :smiley:


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