2022 Collab: Week 35 "Tales in the open sea" - VOTE CLOSED

Thank you, I’ll have a look.

Thank you, that was quite helpful.

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I like the original waves, the new version is repetitive …


I agree with @FedPete. The first one has a natural flow of ocea, whereas these render are a constant array of flat water ripples that look a bit repetitive. I like the sunset vibe that you put in these and it gives a different mood, but the vibrance of color and feeling that I got from the first render was the best imo.


The first 2 was with an ocean modifier. the last 2 was with just a texture. I was trying to get this, it’s a picture from my balcony.

p.s non related these guys here chilling on the rocks


Ok, updated the background/light, and am much happier with it now. I might keep messing with it, but I don’t think I’ll change it too much. Other parts, like the squid, are next.


An old project of mine “Fisk Tank” - Underwater scene 100% blender and in Eevee.

WIP - workflow of how I did this

I do not participate! Just to show what is possible!


OK so after the feedback you guys gave me, I must agree about the repetitive of the ripples, I tried recreating the first one I did, but made a sunset version as well.


Hehe they seem to be enjoying themselves. Where do you live, if you don’t mind me asking?

The lighting was a great improvement. Looking good and looking forward to seeing what you’ll end up with

Haha nice one. I like the wonky tank and spear water lens look. How did you make those bubbles/particles?

Nevermind, you posted your workflow… lol

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I live in Saint Martin

How did you create this sun set version?

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Looks like paradise, that’s awesome

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The island has a french side and dutch side, I live on the dutch side but the view is from the french side.


Well I used an image that has a sunset, and using the trick from the environment course from grant by plugging it in the emission slot from the principled bsdf and added a sunlight and changed the color, also used the same image as a HDRI for extra lighting. Also the image I used for the backdrop is a sky dome rather than just a plane. First time trying a sky dome style.


Note to Collab members, for the vote next Sunday, I will select the last entry!

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Done, I think.

It occurs to me that this might seem like a rather random entry. I adapted it from a scene in a thing I’m writing. The brief summary is: Thirty million years in the future, some human survivors wake up from cryogenic sleep, and they start to rediscover the world. There are (sapient or sentient I’m never sure which word to use) squid that have good tech, and this is where they first meet.


I made a kraken. there is also the sub i made a couple weeks ago for scale.


Here is mine… Infortunately, could not find enough time to get a few people on the boat.



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