2022 Collab: Week 3 “Recycle your stuff” - CLOSED!

I agree with @igorfv about the Rule of Thirds issue. Here’s a quick markup I did to help you visualize what he’s talking about.

Only the lower half of the tree is at the bottom left focal point. The other 3 are empty of any of the main objects in the scene.


Thank you both (@igorfv ), I will tweak accordingly :slight_smile:


It’s missing a story.
Adding the tree partly in the bin, would be more one statement. Like, It’s too big to recycle.


Oh man that is funny :laughing:
I may just have to do that now.


Still have a couple of things to add… stars and clouds and some other objects maybe some more lighting

  • Apple and Cognac bottle from Week 1 “Glassware”
  • Desert Scene from Week 2 “Desert”
  • Moon from Week 52 “Snowman”
  • New Coconuts, Machete and Campfire etc…


Yes, add a bit more light (on my monitor it is dark).


Yeah I figured it would be on some monitors, looks perfect on mine but every bodies monitor setup is different so will add some more :+1:

Yes I agree with @FedPete as it’s a bit too dark on my monitor as well.


Oh, that’s exactly what I meant with my EDIT but you used english that actually makes sense.


I had absolutely no inspiration so I made a recycling sign and uploaded a few versions to Wikimedia Commons. Maybe somebody will have a use for them



Made entirely in Blender :slight_smile:

Final: I took everyone’s excellent advice and made a much better image for it (with some changes of my own as well) :slight_smile: Thank you! @FedPete @igorfv @Miss_B


Much Better!! Now it’s more properly set up for Rule of Thirds. :grinning:

The only other suggestion I would make is raise the camera, as you don’t need quite so much of the empty ground in the foreground, and then you would have a bit more sky above the tree.


Give the edges some bevel.
Or make the arrow bending part a round curved style.
It will add more spunk.

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Hopefully bright enough for everyone now ?
May want to do one more thing with but may not have time.


It’s better!
The only wrong thing in my opinion is the bonfire. It was supposed to the the brightest thing in the scene (in a realism pov) but it’s faded.

images (12)


Ahh lol ok. maybe when I get back home, thanks for you reply anyway

Thank you @igorfv. Final Render


That’s it!
That’s the reason we should always use reference photos =)

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Nice scene! I see you used the rule of thirds much more effectively than I did (I actually had to look it up :roll_eyes:)
Much improved with the brightness of the lighting and the fire :slight_smile:


Vote to “Recycle”

We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your own entry.
And the new subject week 4 " Chocolate has already started. The winner of this week’s “Chocolate” challenge may select a subject for week 5, 2022.

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Double winners here!

Our congratulations goes to igorfv and ZachDude! Both finishing at first place.
And it is the first time (I know) an animated GIF won. Everything is animated and the robotic arm gives a nice, funny twist to it. Great achievement. The entry of ZachDude is more a statement. A beautiful tree ending in a recycle bin. It has a nice realistic look, very recognizable.

  • FedPete - I miss some background, some location to refer too. (Project involved Win7 Blender 2.9 and ubuntu Blender 3.0 which lead to crashes and I couldn’t finish)
  • Willrun - Nice scene, but you could have played more with the campfire light. And played with the composition. Three elements; camp, moon sky and equipment. Now they are placed in one column at the left side of the image.
  • ico - Even simple models, can benefit from tiny details like bevels. And or smudges, irregularities in the material.

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