2021 Collab: Week 19 “Fruit” CLOSED

I probably spent the vast majority of the little time I had on this project, on the lighting and the composition beyond initial modelling etc. I hear what you’re saying about the vine, but it is intentionally out of focus and again it is procedural - I was keen to catch the light on the edge correctly.

Again, most time was spent on the modelling and procedural texturing of the blackberries, vine, background foliage etc, as I didn’t want to just drop image textures on to everything.

The foreground leaf did look terrible initially, I could easily spot the harder edges (before I tweaked it), so when I added geometry and proportionally edited it, perhaps I only done so enough to suit my eye.

For sure. I think the texturing and focus on the vine is great. I was just noticing the edge lines upon closer inspection and those could be smoothed out. It looks like you did some shaping on the leaf, but from a viewer’s perspective I would encourage you to take it further.

Just nitpicking. I think the areas you spent more time on look great.

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@NP5 congratulations, with a very realistic piece of art work.
The bees where a nice detail to the scene.
Good lighting too!


Thank you!
Some nice entries this week too. A couple of them not scenes as we tend to think of them the comic strip sort of thing and the poster.

No one spotted the eyes were missing! :rofl:

See my wasp in the show section. Somehow they must have been turned off in render or got missed out in the duplication.


Good work everyone. I really found this week’s entries too difficult to choose one over any of the others. Well done folks! :grinning:


Oh I thought this week it was - “Fruit” :crazy_face:

Nice work everyone! This was fun!

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