2021 Collab: Week 01 “Space Tourism” - CLOSED

Alien skin beautiful.


whatever does it for you
not gonna judge :rofl:

The voting winner may choose the subject for week 03!

The subject for this week 02 is “furniture”. More explanation will follow.

0 voters

New year, a new approach

Hello everybody who is interested in the weekly Blender collaboration.

First of all, we are still doing the weekly Blender collab challenges!
NP5 started this idea to make the process optimal. Instead, we all wait for a winner and then wait for a new subject. It decreases the number of days to work on a project.

What we do now, is to start a new topic the moment the previous one closes. Then we have a full seven day week to work on a project. In that week we can have a longer voting time and the winner has more time to respond to the question of a new subject.

So basically nothing changes. That is why I started now a new Blender weekly collab, with the subject “Furniture”. You can start working now and have more time to vote and as a voting winner, more time to think about a subject.
At the moment we start to vote on the “Furniture” entries, a new subject is available.

Have fun!


Good idea


The is the official thread.


Good twist with the aliens watching us holiday, sort of thing. Taking photos? Of the funny locals doing odd things. :rofl:


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