Aha! That’s where Rick found inspiration for the Unity Project boost section. Which, in its turn, was the main gameplay idea for Santacalypse.
Thank you. I had the very same temptation and thoughts over the cat placing!
Yes snow is poly high. But for images, it is rarely much problem. I did edit the snow results a fair bit as it makes very regular coverage which felt a bit wrong. Like on the lower edge of the roof, I dragged areas inside the thatch for where it had slid, fallen off. Things like the rocks and trees (well whole thing) were low poly producing straight edges, which I also hand manipulated to remove the linearity. Then pulled up areas on the ground under the roof edges, and tree, for where it has fallen off and landed in small heaps.
Yes that’s a good point. I spent by far the most time on my piece working on the tree, but it does not get the spotlight (ba dum ch)
That is a very well made tree though. As is the tinsel. I like the frosting star on the blue bauble too. Bright and Christmas cheery image.
This would be a good entry!
Shall I use i for the vote?
Thanks! I tried to add my own touches but really every aspect of this was from following tutorials, especially Ryan King Art on YouTube.
I think I’m gonna stick with the frog image
Even if it’s not maybe quite as good as I’d like
Same here. I went to make boots for my santa’s little helper and enjoyed it a little to much. Nothing of that will be seen. But who cares
great leather skin!
A very fine boot though
Just spotted mice and squirrel
Thank you! Thanks to everybody!
I expect they were the very low poly birds, sparrows, or blender elves added them without me knowing!
Lol. Ok.
The one on the roof by the moon definitely looks like a mice. Than I spotted one on the well that I figured is a squirrel, as is by the tree
You could make pictures with 10 thigs to find
There are 4 birds. One is the roof mouse imposter, One on top of the well is a tailless squirrel, So two to find and one is a robin! It is a 4 item search to keep it easy.
Challenge accepted
Ok. More i look at this sceene more i like it. Illuminations in the windows and so much going on!
Found the suspects though! Roof, Topwell, tree and the one with red belly in the well
So what’s the price?
Well done!
They were on my original low poly scene. It could pass for a mouse, but on top of a house etc. a simple sparrow should be the first thought. Had I not been following that new low poly environments course as a reviewer, my usual instinct would have made something very wastefully detailed. lol.
Prize is this image to download and for colouring in over Christmas!
Thing on the roof, could probably spring to mind bird. But after looking for a cat up stairs and finding him downstairs my brain just said. This! Must be the mouse!
As for the price.
I graciously accept.