2 Errors 1. "i was not declared in this scope, and identifier "i" is undefined"

As title suggests I have those two errors popping up on my terminal in VS code. It first appeared on “looping through the hazards” in Dapper Dasher. For some reason, that isn’t my problem. My problem is that scarfy is moving at an absurd rate after I took out the code for scarfy.rec and the others and replaced it with “charData.(whatever)” and that’s my best guess as to where the problem started. He’s phasing on the X axis across the screen in a blur.

The “i” problem is at line 152.
Here is my current code:

#include <raylib.h>

struct AnimData

Rectangle rec;
Vector2 pos;
int frame;
float updateTime;
float runningTime;


int main()
    //Using an Array for windowDimensions
    int windowDimensions[2];
    windowDimensions[0] = 512;
    windowDimensions[1] = 380;

    /* Window dimensions, const variables must be initialized immediately. 
    So we use curly brackets, or braced initialization. */
    InitWindow(windowDimensions[0], windowDimensions[1], "Dasher!");

    // acceleration due to gravity (pixels/s)/s
    const int gravity{1'000};
    const int jmpVel{-600};

    //Nebula init & variables
    Texture2D nebula = LoadTexture("textures/12_nebula_spritesheet.png");

    const int sizeOfNebulae{6};
    AnimData nebulae[sizeOfNebulae]{};

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)
        nebulae[i].rec.x = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].rec.y = 0.0;
        nebulae[i].rec.width = nebula.width/8;
        nebulae[i].rec.height = nebula.height/8;
        nebulae[i].pos.y = windowDimensions[1] - nebula.height/8;
        nebulae[i].frame = 0;
        nebulae[i].updateTime = 1/12;
        nebulae[i].runningTime = 0.0;

    nebulae[0].pos.x = windowDimensions[0];
    nebulae[1].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + 300;
    nebulae[2].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + 600;
    nebulae[3].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + 900;
    nebulae[4].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + 1200;
    nebulae[5].pos.x = windowDimensions[0] + 1500;

    //Neb X velocity (PpS)
    int nebVel{-200};

    int velocity{0};
    bool isInAir{};

    //Character texture init
    Texture2D character = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");
    AnimData charData;
    charData.rec.width = character.width/6; 
    charData.rec.height = character.height;
    charData.rec.x = 0;
    charData.rec.y = 0;
    charData.pos.x = windowDimensions[0]/2 - charData.rec.width/2;
    charData.pos.y = windowDimensions[1] - charData.rec.height;
    charData.frame = 0;
    charData.updateTime = (1.0/12);
    charData.runningTime = 0.0;

    while (!WindowShouldClose())

        const float dT{GetFrameTime()};

        //Start drawing
        //We need the background to be white to prevent GI strobing.

        //Ground check
        if (charData.pos.y >= windowDimensions[1] - charData.rec.height)
            // rectangle on ground
            velocity = 0 && isInAir == false;
            isInAir = false;
            //rectangle in air, apply gravity
            velocity += gravity * dT;
            isInAir = true;
        //check for jumping
        if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)
            velocity += jmpVel;

        for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)

            // Update position of nebula hazard
            nebulae[i].pos.x += nebVel * dT;


        // Update pos of second nebula hazard
        nebulae[1].pos.x += nebVel * dT;

        // Update position of character
        charData.pos.y += velocity * dT;

        //Update character anim frame
        if (!isInAir)
            //Update running time each frame, then check if runningTime has reached > 1/12 of a second.
            charData.runningTime += dT;
            if (charData.runningTime >= charData.updateTime)
                charData.runningTime = 0;
                //update anim frame

                charData.pos.x = charData.frame * charData.rec.width;
                if (charData.frame > 5)
                    charData.frame = 0;


        //Update nebula one's animation frame
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++) 
        nebulae[i].runningTime += dT;
            if (nebulae[i].runningTime >= nebulae[i].updateTime)
                nebulae[i].runningTime = 0.0;
                nebulae[i].rec.x = nebulae[i].frame * nebulae[i].rec.width;
                if (nebulae[i].frame > 7)
                    nebulae[i].frame = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfNebulae; i++)

        //Draw danger nebula hazard
        DrawTextureRec(nebula, nebulae[i].rec, nebulae[i].pos, WHITE);


    //Draw character
    DrawTextureRec(character, charData.rec, charData.pos, WHITE);

    //Stop drawing

    //Unload texture

Still having trouble with this, unable to make any progress in the tutorial.

Hi Sophont

You need to surround the code under that for-loop in brackets. Anything past the line immediately under would be considered out-of-scope.

facepalm It’s always the simple things, isn’t it? Thank you so much!

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