Zooming in camera mode

I cannot zoom in while I am in camera mode. W key doesn’t seem accurate, and I tried this suggestion from other topics; [shift]+[`]. But it also didn’t work for me. I don’t have F keys in my laptop’s keyboard so this suggested sign is embed with number 2. I could really use some help.

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Hold down Ctrl and the middle mouse button, while moving the mouse.

Oh though that W thing is related to the game like navigation Mikey uses I think. Never ever use that myself. Tick the lock camera to view, so much better and easier. Then my above will work.

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yes I can also only use locking camera and then moving along. I don’t remember exacly but Mikey was suggesting his way is better. That is why I wanted to learn if there is a way like moving smoothly in the screen like he does. Thank you anyway.


You can press numpad ‘.’ dot to reset the zoom scaling of the object selected.

when using the qweasd keys, use the mouse scroll wheel to in- or decrease the spread of movement, especially at close ranges.

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that I cannot do, I cannot use qweasd keys. It doesn’t work like in the video and I am not sure why.

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How are you accessing the navigation mode?

Try the simple menu route, View tab, Navigation, Fly or walk mode.

On the ‘best way’ to move the camera let’s just say I fundamentally disagree with Mikey! lol. He did mention others do not.

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  • select object
  • go into camera mode, press numpad 0
  • press numpad dot
  • select camera frame, because you are in camera view
  • go into mode shift ~
  • use qweasd keys.
  • Use scrollwheel to slow down or increase movement

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