Zombie Runner Level Creation

Loving this last section, here is my level design mock;

Iv’e got a problem with pro builder in unity 2019.4.3.f

I am trying to make a can of soup asset from a probuilder cylinder, but all the normals on the cylinder appear to be the wrong way round. This has the effect that if you attach a rigid body to the cylinder the cylinder falls through the scenery and the soup can label renders as if it’s inside the can.
This doesn’t happen with regular unity cylinders.
To replicate create a basic probuilder cylinder and don’t do anything to it, attach a rigid body collider and watch it fall through the floor. To cure it mark the mesh as convex in the collider, but this does not stop the label being rendered as if it’s inside the can.

my level design

Very good! It is possible to walk through the level and make adjustments, save and you see the changes at the moment, very useful.

Made a simple maze using grid! I will try with using only one ghost that never dies and give the player simple missions like collecting or moving certain objects or provoke the ghost two times.

My first time actually taking the time to design a level. Hope it looks good. LOL Normally I just skip the design and go straight to coding sections.

Hello Everyone!

So here is what I did! A trip to the drug store ! I tried to tell a story with the way some of the doors are locked, cars are crashed, etc… TRIED!
I had way more fun doing this than anticipated. Thank you for this course!
It is a rush!

I took the liberty of using a city map generator that is available for free on itch.io
After a number of random generated one’s I tweaked some parameters to get a nice little village that was to my liking.
It is surrounded by a city wall with 3 entrances the player can chose from, and then there’s the market place, and depending from which side one enters it will be more or less difficult to get to the fortress’ entrance. The gates should have some sort of design that allows it to clearly see there are more entrances into the city than just the one near the starting point. Also the zombies on the market square should be clearly visible so the player can see he’s in for a tough fight if he just storms into the village.

So far I called my practice project " Darkness" I haven’t yet decided to add more levels yet since I’m doing other practice projects before working on a commercial project.

I made this level layout in photoshop

Theme: Dark fantasy and cartoony.
Flow: Move to the entrance of a graveyard-like entrance, move into a 2-way town, then find an entrance to a dungeon filled inside with tight corridors and a courtyard.

I planned out where enemies, spawn point, and ammo pickups so I plan the suitable areas where the player can fight enemies, spawn and pick up ammo pickups respectfully.

In the haunted village, the player can choose the easy short route to get to the dungeons faster, however, it is not really rewarding with pickups. On the other hand, if the player picks the long way, it’s more challenging with lots of enemies to fight, but more rewarding with ammo pickups.

I placed some choke areas in the village so it fills a little more diverse despite being a small town, hide ammo pickups to not make them be found too quickly, and get players to find ammo rather than simply see it in front of them and in the dungeon corridor to make the player little more disempowered and small since you can’t run around enemies there respectfully.

I made a prototype of the level using simple objects and a wrecked I found on the asset store. In each house is either a killer clown or an ammo pickup, which is which will be random. I am having some trouble with faulty collision in the houses, though, so hopefully someone will be able to advise me on that.

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