Zombie runner but not quite

After thinking i was done with ZombieRunner having got the level laid out, and helicopter flying in, I found myself going back to it but with a twist.

The location is now a creepy hospital, so far i’ve got the main building layout done, next step is to add some items around the corridors.

Played around with another idea to only make the Zombies move when you’re not looking at them, not sure how i’m going to fit that one in yet.


woah, thats really neat
looks really good so far, i hope to see the final version :slight_smile:

Everything in the scene so far came from a free asset pack, just have to lay it out.

I’m amazed how much different adding a camera effect can have, turned the scene from fairly boring looking group of corridors into something that looks almost like a real game :smiley:

Gotta love the creepy feeling; can’t wait to see more! :ok_hand:

I like the way it sounds, I look forward to a playable demo in the future!

testing out some enemies, think I got a little ambitious trying to get a spider to walk up walls

Soooo… I gave up on wall walking spiders (well for the moment at least :wink: )

I did manage to get an extremely bad video of the spider test (the frame rate is horrendous, and it’s quite badly encoded, but it was the best I could do on the machine I was using :smiley: )


If someone with arachnophobia touches this, they’ll freak the f**k out :joy:


HA! weeping angel zombies! I like it!

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