Zip file for this lecture's assets isn't in version of the course

I am doing the version of the course on the site, the new approved way of doing these courses as I understand. However, when I look in the resources folder there is no zip file containing the fbx files for following this lecture. It isn’t a major problem as I also have the Udemy course (I migrated across) so I could get them from there. However, it might be worth sorting the problem out for anyone who doesn’t have the Udemy course, unless the problem is due to the migration itself, in which case they are probably fine anyway.

Yes. But,

I don’t think that migration has something to do with it. I migrated too, and it didn’t affect me from downloading resources from the SimpleShooter section.

Seems to be there, just not under “Resources”

@sampattuzzi, might need to fix that?

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My bad again, for some reason my eye skipped over the download label and went straight to resources.

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