I have a problem with overreaching when it comes to personal projects. Luckily for me, this is just a hobby and I can take as long as I like on it all.
My game would consist of two game modes that are quite independent of each other. Story mode and battle mode. The Battle mode is something that’s a more recent idea due to talks of multiplayer and character customisation in the Kickstarter comments. The story mode is just that, the main game with my preset characters and the main plot.
Story mode.
This mode consists of all the usual RPG elements we’re all familiar with.
Questing as standard whilst your characters push towards one main achievement that’s important to them and/or the world.
Subplots for every character you take along for the journey that will hopefully twist the main plot line into something a little different from playthrough to playthrough, though obviously not to the point that everyone will receive an experience so unique that no one else will have the same one. Just like the typical branching tree of preset outcomes.
And all the usual fantasy RPG fare that people come to expect. Exploration, fishing, hunting, gathering, trading, and getting your characters to be powerful enough to face that final obstacle with ease.
Battle mode
This is a new addition to my overreaching goals. The rather unique battle system from the main game (which I’m going to really need to wrack my brains over), player created characters that are constantly growing and evolving based on player choices, each character being visually individual due to a plethora of weaponry and attire, and players pitted against each other in a 1 on 1 battle.
The whole thing would be lifted away from the main game aside from battle stages being the same settings players are familiar with. I’d maybe add in areas from the main game world for character training, allowing a multiplayer character to traverse an area to battle some NPC enemies. This could be good to allow a player to earn particularly powerful moves for their characters.
Story wise, the players would likely be engaged in some kind of league or tournament. I could include mention of the league in the Story mode or even go so far as to allow the player characters in the Story mode to participate in the league as part of a quest or subplot. Food for thought.
I’m not being overly protective of my ideas like some might because I’m confident that my battle system idea is unique enough that I’d still be able to stand out. I just need to really focus on how I’m going to realise my vision since it’s not exactly a common kind of gameplay in the indie community and I’ll have to figure it out from the ground up
Would that be more akin to tabletop gaming as far as socially goes? A smaller group of lower double digits in more enclosed group activities? A little like raiding in MMOs but transferred to all aspects of the game such as regular questing and township activities? Or would it essentially work like an MMO with a much much smaller pool of players? The concept isn’t quite sinking in to me yet.