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Ponpon et Panpan

Grumpy And Hungry

Lets go with Don Alfred on the right and Senior Keye on the left. Please respect donkey 3’s right to anonymity (its going to great lengths to preserve it).

How about stink on the left, and stanky on the right. DON’T… ask about the middle one.

Groucho and Harpo!

Ben and Benji

The right one has to be Bunny, the left one looks like a Billy to me and the one in the rear would be shy guy.

Don Quixote and Windmill

The left donkey should be named Clumsy and the right one Sharpie :smiley:

Perpetually late to the part, so lets call them Rick (not that Rick!) and Morty!!

from left to right: Oscar, Fritz and Karl-Johann-Albertross

Jack and Jill!

Dylan and Tevin

As a league player I will name these : Yuumi and Soraka

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Bill & Ted

They should be proudly called United and States

Vlad & Joe.

Sid and Nancy


San Ron & Idan

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