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Obviously Rick and Morty :slight_smile:

I think they should be called Don and Key!

The one of right is Mek the one on the left is Gek
Mek and Gek

Lambda, and Block

Simon and Garfunkle


Don and Key

Ziro and Hiro

Pmurt & Nitup

Gianni e Pinotto

Hi, I think their names should be Rick and Martin :wink:

I agree with Ben. (they’ve should be called Bill and Ben)

Evan and Kevin

How about Tom and Jerry …

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Bill & Ted!

I christen them Dale and Winton. There also appears to be a donkey at the back. He will be named PanzerWarrior4$$!

Zack and Chris

Butch and Sundance :sunglasses:

Drank and Krank. That’s on their faces.

Don, Key and Kong


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