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I think they should be called John & Will

Iā€™m going with Billy, Goat and ā€¦ Steve. :expressionless:

I am going to go with John, Clint, and Pete.

Donā€™Juanā€™key and Donkeyā€™xote

The one on the left is named Sir Galahad-a-better Name, and to the right is Pendragon jr. in the back is Carl

Hey! Itā€™s Key and Don.
(I bet someone already called them that. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Bill and Ted

They look like Nick and Stewart to me.

Egbert, Rufus and Jim


Their names are Bob and Steve to me

They should be called, Zlip, Blorp, and Jeff for the shy one in the back.

Heckle and Jeckleā€¦and Pete

Their names: Danny, Donna and Dennis!

I found the donkeyā€¦
The one on the left is just named Don.
The middle is named Key.
The one on the right is named Hotay.

Rita, Chauncey & Jeffery

I think they should be called Bob and John.

they are the Blues Brothersā€¦ now can someone get them some shades please :sunglasses:

Tom and Dom

Tom and Jerry

Yolo Swaggins and Donkey Kong.

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