You do not need to set the global_position

When compared to the _ready function, just instantiating the projectile and adding it as a child will properly make it spawn on the correct global_position.

I assume because the _ready() function runs before the instantiated projectile position was fully set as a child of the turret.

So this:

func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
	var shot = projectile.instantiate()
	#shot.global_position = turret_top.global_position

Has the same effect independently of the comment in the last line. You can compare it by running these two versions, one on _ready(), one on _on_timer_timeout():

func _ready() -> void:
	var shot = projectile.instantiate()

func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
	var shot = projectile.instantiate()
	#shot.global_position = turret_top.global_position

Just to make sure this agrees with the expected behavior.

PS: To be clear, this is regarding the x/z position, the y position is still needed to be corrected by using the turret_top of course.


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