You Awaken in a Forest flowchart

I considered skipping this portion and coming back to it later, since I actually do want to expand upon it a bit. That said I figured it was probably a good idea to do this for now anyways, which should probably encourage me to push through a bit more.

Already there should be three obvious things to note:

For starters each cell only has the titles, not the body content. While I can write elaborate details I don’t feel much by doing so personally, though I do like planning these kind of things out. I’m not certain if I’ll type the contents out myself or ask for assistance elsewhere, most likely the former until I have a stronger proof of concept.

The circular pathing also stands out, as do the conditionals appearing after it.
I plan to have the beginning of the game center around these five rooms, where the player will gather resources and maintain their health. I simply plan to have this done by mapping keys to variables instead of moving to other rooms; there’s no reason to have a complicated inventory system. It’ll be something akin to a very short clicker game, not so much to have players go through an endless cycle of ever-increasing numbers for the sake of ever-increasing numbers but to draw out the game a bit more and add some feeling of activity rather than just moving from point A to B, closer to a game (barely) than a CYOA story. After some time or events, the player will simply move on to the later paths based on the variables.

Of course the last obvious thing is the ending paths. Naturally these are incomplete, and would likely have their own independent circular paths. I’m a bit fuzzier on the plans from here and it’s quite likely subject to change (particularly the “Warped Path”, as I simply may be trying too hard to have a path connected to each of the first rooms). I figured since this was just for testing purposes for the course right now, that it’d be sufficient enough for me to get to each of these points, then worry about expanding their content when I do come back to it after going through more of the course.

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