Yet another way to snap bottom to the ground level

I wanted to share another method I found for the bottom part of the stairway, as I wanted to have it aligned perfectly :wink:
So what I did to align the bottom segment is:
Select faces and extrude in place (e + esc)


Select this edge, and move it down in z axis, snapping to the opposite edge of the Pyramid – it will snap to 0z (there are a lot of edges you can snap to, but I think it cant be adjacent edge to what we are moving, as it creates some strange sort of effects - it basically spins the edge around z)

Go to vertex mode, snap to highlighted edge and move in x axis. Repeat this step for other 3 verts left

It aligns perfectly but requires some work with single verts.

You can replace last step with edge select, move along x axis and snap to that rail edge – you just can’t snap to the last segment of the rail, you need to snap to the higher one. (same situation as with the first snapping.)

In the end - remove doubles (or merge by distance to be precise :wink: ). Or you can slide the repeating edge to the middle of bottom face to have the same topology as we have it in the course.


Good description of how you did things.

I find that β€˜edge rail’ useful often. GG slide back a bit, then C makes rails forward into space on the same rails. Great tool.

Snapping is tricky to use, doubt I would use it here.

I had to experiment with that GG + C option to get whats it about, but it really is great! Thanks! :slight_smile:

On the other hand I think it wouldnt work here for me, as I wanted to keep the topology (I wanted that last 45* edge from the bottom of the pyramid to the rail, and the rail segments to be rectangular - for no patricular reason to be fair. But now when i think about it, that might be helpful while texturing, which Im never going to do with this model anyway.)

Either way - thanks for the tip again as it really helps!

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