XYZ axis are not working correctly

This is another of those irritating problems that I have come across before and don’t seem to ever get answered. All my bones are working as expected with the constraints except for the HEAD. Here is what happens:

Local Space is set (roll for the Head was tried in 0 degrees and 180 degrees but that did not make any difference.

When I Rotate on the X axis the head works correctly
When I Rotate on the Y axis, the head tilts left and right on the Z axis. (Z is point toward and away from me.)
When I Rotate on the Z axis, the turns left and right on the Y axis. (Y is pointing straight up.)

Here is a screen capture but I don’t think it will help much.

Can anyone explain what is happening? Mike’s example does not have that problem nor does he deal with that as being an issue.

Not a case of not applying some rotation previously per-chance?

Thank you for the suggestion, Rob. I just checked that on both the mesh and the bones (I’m not sure the bones have a rotation that can be applied individual unless you use the roll command.) That did not make any difference. It is not that the constraints are not working it is just not working on the axes of the Head bone the same as the other bones. It is the only one that has this peculiar action. It is perplexing, though I can work with it. It is just not working like the lecture shows.

Hmmm :persevere:

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