cool, yes me too, reached to that approach:)
AActor* Object = GetOwner(); // making an instance of AActor (if I am not wrong !)
FString Objectname = Object->GetName(); //extracting its name
FTransform ObjectTransform = Object->GetActorTransform(); //extracting its full world transofrmation “location, rotation and scale”
FVector ObjectLocationXYZ = ObjectTransform.GetLocation(); //Extracting only the World-location and assign it to a vector
//extracting each component of this vector from Struct FVector, directly by calling its variables X, Y, and Z…the way we learned in struct section
float ObjectPoseX = ObjectLocationXYZ.X;
float ObjectPoseY = ObjectLocationXYZ.Y;
float ObjectPoseZ = ObjectLocationXYZ.Z;
//Printing out the result. %g if I am not wrong will capture the float(?)
UE_LOG(LogTemp , Warning , TEXT(“The X, Y, Z Location of Object %s is : %g, %g, %g”) , *Objectname , ObjectPoseX , ObjectPoseY , ObjectPoseZ );