Would there be a good way to fix the issue with my propeller rotation?

It seems that for one reason or another it’s not rotating properly for me. When i rotate the propeller controller, once it starts getting into the higher numbers, the blades just do not rotate properly anymore.
When i looked at the objects themselves, mainly the main body of the propeller, it looks like the body is attached to two of the blades.

Anything i can do to really fix this?

The second image is a bit hard to tell, but i’m just grabbing the main part of the propeller and all of the propellers are moving along wit hit, some more noticable than others


good looking piece of art, no clue how to animate a propeller, good luck, LOL xxx

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Did you use a rotation on an array of one blade?

Don’t move the EMPTY in relation to the blade.
Movement in all axis will influence the amount, and direction of the array.
Move EMPTY including the blade for repositioning, or use a second EMPTY, as a parent to the rotation empty and blade.

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Thats a good idea. I do not believe i put any rotations on the arrays of the blades. They are all linked duplicates.

I’ll try putting everything into a second empty and see what happens.

As someone who’s still learning the ropes, it’s always nice getting compliments on what i’ve done lol

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Looks like just putting everything in a separate empty did work for getting the rotation to work properly


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