Workflow Question

is there a reason why you put 1 mesh in 1 blendfile at a time instead of working with layer management? I can imagine that I make a blendfile named e.g. SM-GothicCathedral-Wallpannels and put all kinds of different wall parts in different layers (sizes in the naming in the outliner). That would be easier to fit together in one scene-layer in that 1 blendfile. So, are there e.g. export advantages (to unreal or unity) to do it like this?

Hello, Taaske_Prins!
I can try to answer your question. You right about exrpot to unity/ue.
For example, you can export the entire scene to the engine, but what’s next. It will be chaos if you want to redistribute your models through the scene. There are several workflows about scene blockout. One of them suggests storing one mesh in one file (blend file)

  • easy reimport after modifying
  • easy to find the right one
  • order and naming conventions
  • preparation

This is if you want to take your scene out of the blender, otherwise all your utterances are true for the blender)
Again, this is just a preparation process that will help to save time in the future.

hi Jakarta,
thx for your answer. Would that imply that we now only work on buildingblocks in blender and then export to a game engine and assemble there? Or are we going to make a complete scene (Cathedral or something) and then export to a game engine. Then all the wallpanels, deurs etc would be joined into one object (before the export) I think.
I remember from earlier lectures that you can import blendfiles into Unity. In that case it would make sense to use linked files and therefore keep your meshes in separate files. But in Unreal you cannot do that. So it is important to know the workflow to the end product in order to make these discisions about linking and appending, joining, keeping separate files for all buildingblocks.
We will probably have to find out what the best way is to organize the workflow. I am sure I will have to rework a lot :slight_smile:

At first it was easier for me to follow the course, and then to draw conclusions, to look for ways and solutions.

Same for me. Looking back I could have done things in a better way. We let experience guide us :slight_smile:

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