Work Around not working

@Yitzchak_Cohen did this ever get resolved? I was never able to find a reason it wasn’t working for you, even bumping it to a newer version.

Hey Brian, I don’t think this was ever resolved. I completed the course without fixing it and haven’t had time to look into it further. Let me know if you want to do a deep dive back into it, I can try and look at it some more. Are other students having issue?

No, it seems to be a unique issue… I even tried swapping the scripts between my project and yours… I was just wondering if you’d had luck with it. I’m going to go ahead and let this one close out as a mystery, and if it comes up with another student, we’ll revisit it again.

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Hi Brian, I figured this out. I had a plugin in Unity with it’s own editor window. This plugin was interfering with this. I figured it out because it was also interfering with some other prefab renaming.

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