I recently had the same issue but was confused as what to try first so I did a little experimenting.
I would summarise this thread as follows:-
Edit/Project Setting/Physics will open up the Physics Manager. This will allow you to amend some values that are game WIDE i.e affect every rigidbody in every scene for the whole project.
You might remember that we set the Gravity Y scale to -981 as Ben was scaling his game from Unity Meters to Unity Centimeters for the unity Unit. I wouldn’t amend this yet. The other options i this thread refer to ‘Default Solver Iterations’ and 'Default Solver Velocity Iterations.
For me setting the value Default Solver Iterations to 14 worked, any less, and the odd pin reports a false boolean. Any more and you can affect the performance. I would suggest that any variations for this number will be due to system specifications etc etc etc. Therefore, I’d recommend setting this to a value like 50 and work down, remembering to do a bit of a soak test.
Once you have a value that you are happy with you should then set it back to the default of 6. Reason for this is the default Physics setting works for all rigidbodies in the project. Why affect a global variable, when everything is working except for a few pins.
This is where the code is useful, i.e on awake for each pin override the value and this will mean you’ll only target the 10 pins. This will be more performance friendly.
Others may like to add to the debate but for now I would ignore the -98.1 suggestion and the adjustment of the rigidbody collision detection value.