Wizard v Orcs (Block Breaker) - Extreme Tuning!

Hi everyone,

This was a great lecture, and it completely transformed my game.

The level starts with a lot of Orcs with various HP, some behind unbreakable shields:

I added code to create and fire a new “ball” fireball with each click, and turned off the lose collider like in the video:

private void LaunchOnMouseClick()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
hasStarted = true;
myRigidBody2D.velocity = new Vector2(ballLaunchX, ballLaunchY);
GameObject ball = Instantiate(gameObject, transform.position, transform.rotation);

The result is a fun (but very easy) rapid fireball level:

Would love some feedback/thoughts - thanks!


Good idea!


brilliant =D. you said it is a bit easy how about a life system where ever ball that hits the lose collider at the bottom counts as the wizard hurting himself, taking a life off you or taking some points away? and the fireball disappear/ vanish after so may hits / time? That way you would have to be able to control the amount you launch adding a new layer of challenge? could even add projectiles from the orcs that act as the fireballs do when they hit the collider you must deflect / block with the paddles just a idea hope it helps. love the concept =D

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