For anybody else that runs into this issue, I dug into the project a little to find the source of the issue. The distance formula is finding the difference between the two actors’ origins while the MoveTo node uses the difference between the actors’ collision capsules which, in the default case, has a radius of 45. The simple solution is just as @omer_keidar did, set a difference of more than 90 between the acceptance radius and the range parameter.
A more complicated method involves a line trace starting from the AI’s capsule and ending at the player’s location. The resulting distance, “Out Hit Distance”, will be approximately equal to the distance used in the MoveTo node.
Here’s a sample “complicated” solution:
*Adding 1 to the capsule radius accounts for rounding used in the MoveTo acceptance radius
This is the resulting line trace. Notice how the trace originates at the AI’s collision capsule and ends at the player’s collision capsule.