Wireframe Material Cycles and Eevee!

So I came across the Wireframe Node when trying some nodes and it’s pretty cool…
However it only shows triangle faces… and I wanted to render like the faces really are quads or whatever…

There is the wireframe modifier but then increases geometry and doesn’t look very good sometimes…

So a brief search and I found this pretty old video from blendernerd!

And it works awesomely!
With some tweaks I was able to make the same behaviour as the file he mentions in the video:
ie: making a Nodegroup which also let’s you set the thickness of the lines :wink:

And with a little more creativity…

Wireframe Bump

Wireframe Half (all shading here, no photoshop or whatever)

Combining above + Emissive we have
Wireframe Half Bump Emissive :smiley:

Here is the file with all the stuff: Wireframe.blend (968.9 KB)

This works for Cycles and Eevee but, to make the materials work you need to make a UV Unwrap(no need to Mark Seam or anything), Reset the UV, so that each face is an island, and name the UV Map as “Wire”.

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