WIP - Hair salon

Still in concept, but I like the idea of flying hair.

I try to use Eevee because I like to do animations. But this Eevee behavior doesn’t make me happy.

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AH! Make the mirror a hole in the wall. Or possibly just transparent for controls, surface effects etc. Mirror your current scene on the mirror hole axis.

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Yes, I’ve read advises like these. But then I thought, it’s Eevee it’s modern software, there should be an option or function to overcome this problem.

I found something which helps

Render tab > Film > Overscan on 10% max.

But render times go up 4 minutes.

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OMG, he’s got a Christmas Tree growing on his head. :rofl:

Seriously though, I’m liking what you’ve come up with.


I spent more time on this. Not so much on the mesh but nice UV mapping. Because it’s a prop I can use in other projects, I’ll expect. So I created this one in a new .blend file.


Nice mapping!

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It is always a problem where to add a seem. Partly because how it will be used. The spray nozzle has relative more pixels. Because I want to add some Normal info to it. But for now, I try to cash in on my learned 2D skills. Adding a face with hairstyle.

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So I used my old Wacom pen tablet to draw a lady with a lot of hair. Firm, confident strokes from the shoulder, as told by Grant in the 2D Game Art classes. I think I need to fiddle the metal part. But I’m aiming for a cartoon, not so realistic look. In that case I would have used a stock photo.


Looks great, much as I would expect a modern product to be illustrated.

Now, where can we get this wonder spray? That bulks up the sides of a bald man’s remaining hair to the extent it nearly covers over the top! :rofl:


Special cooked for me. I need this hourly.

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A great job at mapping, and I’m really liking the texture you created for it. :wink:


You can add a reflection plane under Add > Light Probe > Reflection Plane. Move it and size it so it covers the area of the mirror and make the arrow of the Reflection Plane point in the direction of the object you want to be reflected. That may clear up the poor quality edges you are seeing, but I haven’t played with it enough to know for sure.

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The only way to make something mirroring in Eevee is to use a Reflection plane. I did that!
The problem with eevee is that it only render what it can see in the camera view.
That is why Eevee is fast. But it introduces a lot of problems. Like this blurriness, caused by invisible mesh, for used in these eevee calculations.

That’s interesting. So I dug a little more to figure this out. I always like learning little processes and how to overcome issues.

So Eevee will reflect without a Reflection Plane, but not very well at all, as long as you have turned on Screen Space Reflections in the Render Properties tab. But the Reflection Plane cleans up that reflection much better.

Left Suzanne is using a Reflection Plane, right is not:

However, there is that edge fade/blur issue that is visible along the bottom edge of the render and the farthest right ear reflection. Overcoming this was actually extremely simple, though the answer wasn’t so easy to find, the setting is. Still in the Render Properties, go down to Film and turn on Overscan. That’s it, one little check box.

Again left Suzanne is using a Reflection Plane, right is not, but this is with Overscan on:


Yes, I used overscan!
But it’10% only …

Months ago I start an animation project, where I encountered this problem the first time.
Rotating the camera, objects out of sight not in the render calculations. But resulting also in the sudden loss of shadows. Large object like trees casting shadows, fall quickly out the 10% overscan …

I stopped the project because of this.

Other trick is then to render 2K versions, and cut out the middle 1K bitmap. But then, Eevee gets slower and slower. So this is my love and hate with Eevee.

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Eevee sure is a fickle thing, but it really is fast.

I just figured out another way to get the same result.
Under the Screen Space Reflections setting, move the Edge Fading slider to 0. It looks identical to turning Overscan on.

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Well, that’s great news! THX.

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Some great Eevee detective work and Example images. A finalised version of 'how to do reflections in Eevee should be created for the Eevee Wiki!


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@NP5 Eevee Wiki?

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