Windows 11 / blender thumbnails

Installed windows 11, re installed blender 4.1, went to preferences and registered blender. also ran blender -r from dir at command prompt in admin mode and I can not get my blender thumbnails back.
does anyone know how to fix this ?

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Thumbnails where in a file browser?
I have win 11 and 4.1 and they just are there, have to select the right view, thumbnails not details etc.

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viewing small, medium, or large icons is only giving me the blender icon no thumbnail from file explorer in windows 11. did i miss something ?

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Have you tried any of these?

At first glance, Step 2 looks promising.

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i will check this out, but just for information other thumbnails work, images etc …

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Tried all of the solutions article listed above by BH67 and nothing worked, this is starting to drive me batty : (

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If the guide I posted hasn’t helped, then this suggests it’s a problem with Blender itself and not directly with the OS, so that narrows it down a little.

I did some more digging and you might want to try this too:

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Read latest recommended article, the best I could tell is that it was a rehash of the register “fix” with the added suggestion of reloading pref file. I have already done all of this. Im off to reinstall windows 11 again perhaps something got hosed and Id rather fix it now than a week from now. note a friend simply hit register and his worked fine, both systems where installed yesterday but mine was brought up using a different method of installing. Ill let everyone know if this fixes it.

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ps thank you for trying to assist it is appreciated that someone took the time to respond to this messy problem


We all try our best here. There was something in there about clicking “Make Default” [version] in Blender’s settings, but I suspect you’ve seen that as well. Best of luck; failing that, I’m out of ideas unfortunately.

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Ah. Not that I can help.
I just looked via file explorer and blend files have no images.
I am really only used to opening a file from inside Blender and there searching the same folders the Blend files do have images. Odd.

Perhaps they are only translatable by Blender? So only show when looking for them from within Blender?

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I don’t think you’re far off actually, as it was mentioned somewhere that the mere presence of a Camera object is enough to change the thumbnail you end up with. What I’ve been reading suggests that it’s basically a “loose wire” in most forms of the installer (I forget exactly which one actually works out of the box as far as this goes) that prevents the OS from generating/using the thumbnails on its own.

I’m really just stabbing in the dark myself though, as I didn’t even realize .blend files could be configured to show thumbnails in the OS. I always just thought it was exactly as you said - thumbnails only showing in the openfiledialog, etc.

Sometimes I like to just randomly try my hand at solving problems like this. Never know what you can learn about the software along the way =)


Just did fresh win 11 install (repartition / format) and setup as new pc. loaded available updates, loaded Nvidia studio drivers. loaded blender 4.01 (thinking what you mentioned above as iv been running multiple version not remembering what version I gained thumbnails in OS) and still no thumbnails in explorer. at this point I’m going mad as those OS thumbnails where very helpful

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After tidying up windows a little I came back to this and fixed it. I went to blender file and specified open with > always. opening was not a problem and i had done this before (i thought) maybe i forgot to specify “always” because as soon as i browsed the folder again in file explorer the thumbnails where back
weird …


Ah I have seen that ‘always’ and never touched it as I use the portable versions so it is easier if need be to open other non latest versions.

Well done solving the mystery!

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Aha! So it sounds like it was maybe a file association issue of all things! At least in part anyway.

Regardless, congratulations on finding the solution - charging your way through to the end of a stubborn problem like this is never easy!


This is (for me) funny. Using Ubuntu with the latest Blender and I got thumbnails for the first time …
Only for the ones modified recently.

To be honest, I open Blender, and select from the starting panel my latest project. So I didn’t have the need for thumbnails.


I have recently tried to make sure The icon image is representative of what is in the file before I save incrementally and what I was working on at that point. Means ensuring the camera is aiming at that bit. I feel it makes picking up old projects a fraction easier, especially if looking for some part item, model of a bigger scene and you forget what file it was a part of!


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