Very nicely done. I especially like that shaped window.
Thank you!
This looks really good, well done
I see yours is also getting nicer and nicer, awesome work.
Check this mate:
I started to play with it yesterday, looks very promising, hopefully today i can tweak it to final and do some test renders.
I played with it a bit yesterday, and this is what i learned so far from tries:
It looks very good, but refraction brings a lot of noise into the render. I couldn’t make a clear image
So instead i put some noise generated bump on the glass and no refraction, it looks also very good. When i get home i’ll make a screenshot of the node setup.
@Bram_van_Vliet, i’am back, did some tests, learned some new things again. So the old glass material i showed you is “unusable” in this scene, because of the noise thing. So i went different direction, and tried this setup:
And in the scene it looks like this:
As you can see its very impressive from outside, on the other hand its barely visible from inside

Does this worth the additional render time?
Wow @Richard_Vekony that looks incredible already
Thank you for sharing these node material settings with me… I already stored them and try them out.
I tried both your suggestions, but in my renders the glass isn’t visible yet
I need to investigate what I’m doing wrong. I will do that when I am at the right chapter of the course.
Right now I’m still struggling with “Profile Modelling Using Mesh Objects”
@Bram_van_Vliet Welcome! Actually the glass material was not part of the course yet. I was just wondering how it would look like Now Iam at 198.