Windmill Missing Mesh for some reason?

Hi All,

Still learning a lot about models, mesh and all that fun stuff. I’ve imported the resources supplied with this lecture and placed a wind mill in order to learn about the code. I’ve imported some ‘free’ assets in order to try to make something more ‘my game’ as we’ve been told to do. Which is all fine, I’ve made grey roads, have some modern looking buildings up and running and so on.

However, placing anything from the village assets seems to not work. The prefab is there, and I can place it in the world and see a wire outline of where the windmill should be but it’s completely invisible. Same with any of the houses and other things supplied as world objects for some reason. From what I can see comparing the videos, the ‘Mesh’ is completely missing. However any attempts to find 'Wind_Mill_Blades" or any other type of meshes turn up empty (Other than new ‘Modern World Objects’ I use which are in a different folder than the ‘World Objects’ provided with the lecture. Materials, Textures, Prefabs and such all seem to be there but no Mesh, and as this section is very new to me I’m not sure how to fix or find what I need, so any help is appreciated even if it’s something very simple I simply don’t understand at the moment.

It sounds like you might have forgotten to import the “Blends & FBX” folder from the resources.
All the models and the meshes that the “World Objects” prefabs are referencing are stored in this folder.

Hope this solves your problem.


I’m also facing the same issue, I downloaded the “” file that was linked in the resources, extracted it and double clicked on “WindMill.unitypackage” to import it in unity but I only see a WindMill.blend file in it; and when looking at the project’s asset, the WindMill.blend file appears without nested files:

And when I click on the windmill prefab I can see that some meshes are missing:

However, opening the windmill.blend file is working as displays the windmill:

So at the moment I have no clues on what’s happening and how I could fix that.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the issues, I have highlighted this to the instructors to see whats going on here.
I have completed this course and did not have this issue with the asset but it may have been updated since i went though the course.

Ok, it seems that the unitypackage import is not working correctly; at least on my Mac running Unity 2017.3.0f3.
What I did:

  1. Dragged the WindMill.blend file from the Unity’s Project window to my Mac’s desktop
  2. Delete the WindMill.blend file from the Unity project (and the prefab)
  3. Drop the WindMill.blend file back from my Mac’s desktop to the “Blends & FBX/Village” folder. This seems to tell Unity to do something special with the blender file as it’s now correctly appearing with both meshes
  4. Re-create the prefab

Did this solve the issue for you?

I can only speak for myself, but at least it worked for me !

It might not be the best way to do it, but it’s the only one I found with my limited Unity & Blender knowledge.

Hope it can help the person that raised this issue first and other people as well.

EDIT: I tried several times to reproduce the issue in an empty unity project, but couldn’t. So it’s definitely not an issue in the unity package.
The only differences when I faced the issues were:

  1. Initially blender was not installed on my machine
  2. I was working inside a non empty scene, so maybe I missed a conflict somewhere

From memory there were more than one set of assets that you import during this course.

One of the earlier sets required that you had Blender installed, you didn’t need to do anything with/in Blender, but you did need it installed.

Later on in the course I believe another asset package is made available which then replaces the assets and removes the requirement for needing Blender to be installed.

I think this is covered in one of the early Q&A questions, I will see if I can find it and post the link in a moment.

Looking at the commits on GitHub, it looks like the changes to the assets appear in section section 3 - Modifiers and Abilities. Having just checked the course content on Udemy, version 1.1 of the assets package is made available in lecture 97 - “Placing Props”.

See also;

Hi guys, I’ve spent a chunk of time trying to replicate and figure out what is going on. Some things I’ve found:

  • I got the invisibility issue when I first tried this and I didn’t have Blender installed. After installing Blender the issue seems to not be present.
  • It might help to follow the same order of asset importing that Ben Ben uses in the videos. We import a package of assets in lecture 35 (10_2_RPG Importing Level Assets and then update the windmill in lecture 42 (16_2_RPG When followed in this order, things seem to go to plan.

Installing Blender and then reimporting the package indeed works. If you don’t have Blender installed, you’ll notice a console error complaining that you don’t have it installed, but it goes away after you hit play and then you never see it again.

Strange that Blender is needed to properly render the asset. That makes me wonder how it works once you build your game and play it on a platform that doesn’t have Blender. Weird.

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It just because of the file types that were included in the assets, I believe the ones in the later asset packs are .fbx

I had the same issue but I had Blender already installed. I needed to associate the .blend file with Blender. I could not do it the normal way with setting the Default Apps in Windows 10. It just wouldn’t save.

There’s a known bug for this issue:

  1. I needed to navigate to my Blender Folder in a Command Prompt (cmd at start menu) and then type in:
    blender.exe -r
    That associated the .blend files to Blender.
  2. I then needed to restart my computer and then reimport the Windmill

Hope that helps someone else. Took me a while to fix this issue.


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Hi, thanks for the update/info.

Out of interest, was your installation of Blender from the Blender website, or via Steam? I know with the latter people have reported some issues in the past too.

It was through the website. I didn’t know you could add Blender through Steam.

Ah ok, and yeah apparently so.

Surprised your file associations got messed up with the website version but useful info above :slight_smile:

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