Will there be a course on Unity ECS coming from GameDevTv?

Will there be a course on Unity ECS coming from GameDevTv,
now that Unity ECS is stable and released.

There used to be one that Nathan did, but I can’t find it now. I suppose they delisted it because it’s outdated. Perhaps Nathan is busy with a new one(?)

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Here is the link to the course page:

Unity Intro to DOTS: Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) & ECS

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PS: I don’t own the course so I can’t provide any feedback about it.

I did do this course. It’s very bare-bones (it is, after all, just an intro). But the DOTS & ECS have changed quite a bit since that course came out

OK I know what DOTS is, or at least I heard that name a lot, but what’s ECS?

thank you :slight_smile: - any potential for courses in the future regarding ECS and DOTS?

I haven’t heard or read about it, so I don’t know if anything is planned. If you want GameDev.tv to make a specific course, you could suggest it here:

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