Why use a separate game object for the sword collider?

Hello :slight_smile:
I wonder if you could help me understand why the choice was made to add a separate game object for the sword collider?
Before watching the video I tried adding the functionality myself, and intuitively used a boxcollider2D on the sword, then enabled/disabled it within my sword script.
Is one way better than the other? If so, please help me get my head around why.
Many thanks

Either method is valid. Stephen was showing another way, which when coupled with the swiping effect gives a very clear affordance of the damage area.

Remember that there are often many paths to the same goal. As to which is more efficient? I might argue that Stephen’s is more efficient because the Physics system only has to consider the damage effect for a shorter time. That’s just speculation on my part, however. I haven’t profiled the various methods of determining hits.

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