in the lesson -Making the Triple Gun Top- at 7min 25s. he is copying a face and makes seperate object… but why??? its so much more complicate then just insert and extrude… why?
I don’t remember exactly what reasoning was there, but it’s basically to have separate objects. You can reuse in other modules, add modifiers independently from the top of the gun, switch triple gun to some other gun there, have different pivot point, etc. etc.
And as a aside note, sometimes it’s just easier to get the face, duplicate it and continue to work on it, even if you don’t separate the object.
ok… i dont realy get it, cos for me it still seems more easy to insert, extrude and then seperate…
maybe just a preference?
There are many ways to achieve the same thing in Blender For sure, don’t treat Grant’s (or any other instructor’s) way as “the way” to do things. Rather than as ‘a way’. With practice - you will discover (sometimes looking at other tutorials, sometimes just by yourself) many more workflows that are better than what you learn now.
The best way IMO if you see different ways to achieving some result, esp. when you are focusing on learning, is to test all of them and compare final result.
Thank you
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