Why this doesn't work?

Hello, i have a question for this lecture, when we instantiate the sparkles, and we want to put the position and rotation, why giving directly the transform parameter does not work ?

like in this screen.
Thank you for your help!

Hi DougDoug,

Did you test your idea?

Hi Nina, yes i do, and the sparkles is not showing :confused:

Check your Hierarchy. Is the particle system there? If so, rotate the view in your scene. Maybe the instantiated particle system is just rotated. In that case, you could test Quaternion.identity in the Instantiate method.

No it is not in my hierarchy :confused:
But like this, i see it in the hierarchy and it is displayed correctly on the screen.

If your initial version does not instantiate the sparkles in your Hierarchy, are there any error messages in your console? Maybe a compiler error?

No there is no error message, but when i print the name of the object like this:

it is displayed correctly


so it is very weird !!

If the message appears, your sparkles game object should habe been created, and it should appear in your Hierarchy. If the particles don’t appear, check if “Play On Awake” is enabled in the prefabbed particle system.

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