Why is this phrase appearing?

Changed the animation mode and Anim class for BP_ShooterCharacter.


Event graphs and Anim graphs of ABP_ShooterCharacter.

LogScript: Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_TryGetPawnOwner_ReturnValue.
ABP_ShooterCharacter_C /Engine/Transient.World_2:PersistentLevel.SkeletalMeshActor_0.SkeletalMeshComponent0.ABP_ShooterCharacter_C_15
Function /Game/ABP_ShooterCharacter.ABP_ShooterCharacter_C:ExecuteUbergraph_ABP_ShooterCharacter:0040

This phrase popped up. Some of the above phrases are in a language other than English, so I changed them to some English. So I’m not sure if it will be delivered correctly.
There was a saying, “I approached None while trying to read the properties.”
I can’t remember if the game showed up during play or after play… Sorry.

I think there’s a problem with ABP_ShooterCharacter, but I can’t find it.

I just ran it and it moved well again. So why does it come up with a phrase like that… I’m so curious

That would be because the Update event will get called while you’re working in the animation blueprint in order for the preview to function. And since the Pawn Owner (the shooter character) is not actually spawned and available then the result of Try Get Pawn Owner returns a object reference of ‘none’.

To resolve this issue, you’ll want to use an “Is Valid” node for the Update Animation event, checking to see if the output of Try Get Pawn Owner is valid before proceeding.

Is this the right way to do it?

You would need to either add a branch node and connect it up to that (along with the execution wires) or use the IsValid? version which basically combines IsValid and a branch into a single node.

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