Here’s a screen shot of my workspace:
As one can see the new base is quite close. Using this setting, I got the following render result:
Here the base looks very far away. Any thoughts why this is happening?
Here’s a screen shot of my workspace:
As one can see the new base is quite close. Using this setting, I got the following render result:
Here the base looks very far away. Any thoughts why this is happening?
You need to set up your camera for the render you want.
Press Zero on the number pad
Ensure next, that the camera marked shape is zoomed in to fill most but not all of the viewport.
Then open the N right hand tool panel.
Go to the view tab.
Tick the ‘lock camera to view’ box.
Then normal viewport navigation works and changes what the camera sees to what you move the camera viewport about to see.
Once happy untick that ‘lock camera to view’ box, or you can easily accidentally alter the set up shot.
If you prefer the walk/fly camera navigation mode, as Mikey says in the video, hold down shift and press the grave key. (Personally, that grave key way never works on my keyboard.) The alternative route via menus is, View menu dropdown, Navigation, then to the bottom of that panel, you can select Walk or Fly navigation that uses the WASD keyboard letters and the mouse. Right click to exit mode.
Change the movement speed:
WheelUp or NumpadPlus to increase the movement speed for this open session.
WheelDown or NumpadMinus to decrease the movement speed for this open session.
Shift (hold) – to speed up the movement temporarily.
Alt (hold) – to slow down the movement temporarily.
Works for me. Appreciate the very detailed explanation, thank you!
You have multiple cameras, see the name camera.001
An indication of camera duplication.
Good observation! It seems that I once duplicated the camera and then deleted the original one, although I can’t recall why I did that. Anyway it seems to be working fine now
If you delete the master
and having a copy. Blender switches over to that one.
But if you delete all cameras, Blender will give you an error.
This thing is happening again, frustrating. I need to investigate further, but it seems that I’m following all procedures.
After some initial investigation, I found after moving the camera to face the object according to the procedure listed by NP5, and then save and reload, at that point the camera will always be pointing to somewhere else.
I ended up deleting the camera and added a new one. It seems to be working correctly now.
Did you have a constrain on the deleted camera?
Like following an object?
But, you solved it. And yes, sometimes Blender does strange things.
But mostly due to experimentation, switching on-off strange option combinations.
Glad you’ve succeeded in solving your problem.
Thanks. I don’t even know how to add constraints to a camera, but it’s possible that I may have hit a wrong button in the past.