Hey y’all,
I am seeing this weird bug where my character’s BoxCollider is getting caught in the seam between two wall BoxColliders. This is a video example of what I am seeing. It only happens when I am moving diagonally into the seam. I have Continous Dynamic on my character’s RigidBody, and I am using rigidBody.MovePosition
to move my character.
Here is what I have done to try and fix it:
- Added a BoxCollider at the seam
- Made the wall BoxColliders smaller
- Added zero friction material to wall BoxColliders
- Set Default Contact Offset to .000000001
- Changed MovePosition to AddForce
- Changed MovePosition to just setting the RigidBody.velocity
- Changed my character’s collider to CapsuleCollider
- Manually merged the two wall BoxColliders to one big BoxCollider
The latter two worked, but I would prefer to keep my character using a BoxCollider, and I would prefer to keep my wall colliders as individual BoxColliders (as to keep par with the course). Any help here would be greatly appreciated.