Why is base.EnterState being called?

why are we calling the base class function EnterState? What does an empty function do for us?

Hi Doug,

I think the audio is a little out of sync with what is happening on the screen here.
The PlayerState is being the parent class so we still need to call that base.EnterState function to have it be overriden in the PlayerIdleState.

If you watch from 6:50 a few times things become a little clearer i think.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your reply, Marc, but what you said actually made me more confused.
sense we remove the base._Ready function from the _ready function of the sub class,
and if I don’t add base.EnterState it still works. Note: I am a little rusty with C# but I understand most of the concepts we have already covered since I already learned the core language years ago.

Hi Doug,

It could be that i am incorrect in this case and its a habit of calling the base._ready function but in this case we dont need to as there is nothing there that we are needing to include when we override it here.
I’m a little rusty as well as been a while since i was in C# and my last was in unity :slight_smile:

Hopefully this helps and it might be my mistake that we have added it and dont actually need it

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