Why has course length been decreased?

A few days ago the number of lessons on udemy was about 336, but now it is 233. Why is it happened? What has been changed? Unreal C++

Which course are you referring to? Unreal C++?

Yes, I mean Unreal C++ Course

They archived the Battle Tank section, and added Toon Tanks to replace it which is shorter but updated. They also added Simple Shooter end of June which adds a new section. The archive of Battle Tank is still available in the archive course, which you can usually access from the last lecture. added: I think the course is fully remastered at this point as well between 4.22 and 4.25 in some sections. I think it’s awesome that the gamedev folks support a pre-existing course like this, amazing how they can even do it really.

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Oh, now I see, thank you!)

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