Why don't I have a vc.db file?

Should I be worried that my project folder doesn’t contain a vc.db file?

I think those are generated depending on what versions of Visual studio you are on.

I am using 2017 Community version and don’t have one myself.

I am almost done with Section 3 and have had no problems so far.

Those db files look monstrous so in a way thats a good thing.

It looks like its inside .vs folder for newer versions of VB.


Yes like @Wilcalaf said it seems to be under the .vs folder.

I have the same issue. I also have these files, which seem to be *VC.db related files, and don’t seem to be in Ben’s list of unstaged files in the video. Are these safe to .gitignore as well?


EDIT: when I staged the files, they disappeared anyway.


I wasn’t sure if the other files were needed, so I added these to the gitignore list:


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