Why does Fire Montage Not Play?

I noticed this question has been asked in here before with no answer so I’m going to try my luck.

My fire montage does not work at all.

Image 1: my group being set to WeaponSlot.

The montage viewer shows the rifle recoil just fine and my blend time was set to 0. No problems there.

Image 2: My animgraph in my animation blueprint.

Locomotion wires into Slot “WeaponSlot” as instructed and outputs to the output pose. No apparent problem there.

Image 3: My character blueprint calling Montage Play

Everything seems fine here as well.

What else may I have forgotten?

Solved my issue. Back a few lectures you set the Pause Anims to set the muzzle flash. I forgot to unset that… which causes the montage to not play.


Note: this is on your mesh in your player blue print. Click on the mesh and go into your properties. Advanced will be collapsed by default so you have to expand it.

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