Why do we need 2 SetItem() functions?

Out of curiosity, why do we need 2 SetItem() functions in InventoryItemIcon.cs outside of it being for convenience sake (my assumption)?

    public void SetItem(InventoryItem item)
            SetItem(item, 0);

        public void SetItem(InventoryItem item, int quantity)
            var iconImage = GetComponent<Image>();
            if (item == null)
                iconImage.enabled = false;
                iconImage.enabled = true;
                iconImage.sprite = item.GetIcon();

            if (itemQuantity)
                if (quantity <= 1)
                    itemQuantity.text = quantity.ToString();

In this case, it is for convenience, you are right. One takes quantity and one doesn’t. We may be setting item with a quantity of 0 a lot more than with an actual quantity. This ‘overload’ just sets a default quantity for use. We could also have set the default in a different way; with optional parameters (introduced a bit later in C#'s lifetime)

public void SetItem(InventoryItem item, int quantity = 0)
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