Why do we do ScoreBoard scoreBoard;

Why do we do a “ScoreBoard scoreBoard;”? And where is the ScoreBoard word come from? Does it take the name of the script?

ScoreBoard is a type, scoreBoard is variable. First you declare type and then name of variable.
For example : int scoreNumber; or string name;

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Just like Rigidbody rb; that we’ve used before.
After this expression, we are calling Rigidbody component with rb. This could be Rigidbody Maison or Rigidbody liquids (lol :smiley: ). As far as I know name is not important. This should be something meaning for you or maybe your teammates. After typing rb. we can reach what Rigidbody is providing us.

With ScoreBoard script (= class, component), we are calling it in enemy script with scoreBoard. And we are using what we provide before. In this case public void scoreIncreaser method.

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