Why do I get different result for remove double?

At about 3:45 in the video, there’s an example of removing double on the periscope.

My result was different - when I removed the doubles, instead of the cube edge snapping to the triangle edge, I got the opposite. So I ended up back to the original periscope. Do you know why this happened?

try selecting the edges in a different order. A lot of commands in Blender will behave differently depending on the order in which you select things.

Thanks for the suggestion. I did try selecting them in a different order but the result was the same.

I guess it doesn’t really matter though, since I can still move the edge to where I want it. Just a bit strange the results didn’t match the video.

I had the same issue. I also tried to change the selection order (logically :slight_smile: but had no luck.
So - given edge A and edge B, how can we control whether the vertices in A move to edge B or vice-versa?
It might be very handy to be able to control edge merging explicitly…

On a related note; you can merge vertices using ALT-M, which will let you choose to merge to the last selected, the first selected, etc:


What I wanted to do is covered in the “snapping” video a little later on: select an edge and make it merge with any edge I want.

Still not sure why mine went in the opposite direction when I tried out the “remove double” trick, but I don’t care any more :smile:


I has the same issue and couldn’t understand it. It’s nice to know that it wasn’t something I did wrong. Thanks!

@Michael_Bridges, any thoughts?

I think this is a case of the model being made the other way around.

Removing doubles always moving vertices in one direction. I’ll test when I’m back in front of a computer.

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