Why Differ rendered and camera view?

When I place the camera - in my viewport - and have the Display render preview active - My dino stands on the ground. In the render picture (created with F12) Dinos legs seems to be buried in the ground.
Why differ this so much?
// Erland

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My guess is you have a second ground plane that is hidden in the viewport. Look in the outliner for something that has the ‘eye’ icon closed, grey, but the camera icon white, active.

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Please give full screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
This can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left-hand side.
On that menu dropdown is ‘save screenshot’.

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Thank you. It was just as you guessed. My Folder Saved Landscape wasj hidden in viewport but have still the camera active.
Great thanks.
// Erland


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