First post (sorry)…doing this after the kids have gone to sleep so limited time for the social stuff
Really enjoying the course so far!
Wondering why we don’t store the result of GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController() somewhere (either in a FController*(?) variable in BeginPlay(), or as a Private variable in the header?)
Then we would just be calling MyPlayerControler->GetPlayerViewPoint each tick, instead of doing the extra search each tick, since, the player controller (I assume) will not change after BeginPlay?
If I had more time to experiment, I would have tried this myself last night , but it was getting late, and it takes 4 or 5 minutes to compile each time on my machine (rather envious of your 4 second compile time Ben!)
I am referring to this code snippet in Graber.cpp
void UGrabber::TickComponent( float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction )
31 {
37 ***GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()***->GetPlayerViewPoint(
38 OUT PlayerViewPointLocation,
39 OUT PlayerViewPointRotation
40 );
PS. I was really confused as to how we could call .ToString(), since I thought that was a method for another type (that we used in PositionReport.cpp for eg) , but …I see now that it is Also a method of FVector and FRotator Types!..yay… leraning learning