Whoo boy

Here are a few things that I noticed from the pre-made code that unreal spat out:

in the c++ file:

  • there’s a subset called Super that is being used under the “void UPositionReport::BeginPlay()” and the “void UPositionReport::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELeelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)” methods.
  • I’ve noticed a pointer in the being used as input in the latter method.
  • those two methods I mentioned have comment describing that that is when the game starts and checks the frame rate respectably.
  • This is the first time we are seeing the variable “float,” which - if I remember correctly - indicates a floating number decibel.

in the Hereditary file:

  • it includes “CoreMinimal.h” “Components/ActorComponent.h” and “PositionReport.generated.h”
    -the word "protected: " is new to me
  • GENERATED_BODY() needs and initialized statement.
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