While we're on the topic of Git... My .suo file keeps wanting to be staged

I can’t remember which video lecture went over ignoring the .suo file, so I can’t find that segment. Either way, I have told it to stop tracking more than once, as well as making sure that .suo is included in my .gitignore file.

What is going on here?

Try adding BuildingEscape in front as the file won’t be in the same directory as the gitignore.

In .gitignore (docs), *.suo is matched the same way as in a unix shell, which means, it doesn’t match .suo. This is probably related to the convention on unix that files starting with periods are special and ignored in most cases. So, you could just remove the *, and use .suo or you could copy my .gitignore, which handles any project with this structure nicely (ignoring the Mac, since I haven’t tried running UE4 on my Mac yet).

# Unreal Engine

# Starter Content

# Visual Studio

Note, having / at the beginning prevents directories like /BuildingEscape/Content/Intermediate/Chair.uasset from being ignored. Note, this could be part of a convention where assets that are being worked on by artists are initially in the intermediate directory before being finalized for use in the game, though using another name would likely be better. In any case, being defensive in the .gitignore doesn’t cost much, so I prefer to match things more precisely.

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