While Loop in TripleX Not Working

In my TripleX program I just started the Comparing Values lesson, and I am pretty sure that I have the code correct, but the while loop does not end the program after the player reaches Level 5. As you can see in the photo it went until level 16, and still didn’t end.


The problem is probably here. I’m not sure how this compiled. You need to set a data type for MaxDifficulty :slight_smile: .

Thank you for responding! Do you mean adding int to the front? Because soon after i posted this i realized that i had forgotten that and added it. It still does not work.

Are you sure you compiled before running the program? And that compilation was successful?

It is giving me this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘tripplex.exe’

This error implies that your program is still running so the file ‘tripplex.exe’ cannot be overwritten. Try to stop your program first and then rebuild (compile) :slight_smile:

How would I do this? I have tried rebooting the launcher. I have also pressed control c on the program.

I rebooted the Computer, and it worked! Thank you so much!!!

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:+1: The oldest trick in the book! The great panacea!

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